Jan 3, 2021

Cheers to a Happy & Healthy 2021

A new year is a chance to begin again, a time when your resolve is renewed, and your journey ahead guided by the lessons gleaned in the year past.

And, we most certainly learned a lot in 2020!

This past year has taught us all to value and nurture good health and well-being with a fresh perspective. We spent more time indoors with our families, cooked meals together, shared chores, worked from home, and tried harder to keep healthy. We all came together and encouraged one another to chin up and hearts lifted.

Your love and support for our endeavor to build up a local Jaipur Gir cow farm grounded in compassion and regard for our old traditions has been the fuel that kept us going. We are proud and happy that we continued to deliver pure Gir cow milk, chaach, bilona ghee, fresh churned butter and paneer throughout the lockdown each and every day. And we will continue to bring the pure goodness of our farm to your home each and every day in 2021.

As we embark on this journey into a fresh new year, I wanted to thank you for being a part of the Milk & Meadows family. Together we will build a happier and healthier Jaipur in 2021!

Cheers to a Happy & Healthy 2021 🎉

Rahul & the Milk & Meadows Family